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Thread #73147   Message #1266246
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Sep-04 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why George Bush? Why John Kerry?
Subject: RE: BS: Why George Bush? Why John Kerry?
Ron, I think the real problem facing us in both the USA and Canada and elsewhere in the so-called the party system itself. Political parties are not fit representatives of the public, because it is not the public which finances them. They are handmaidens of the major financial lobbies (banks and corporations). This has resulted in a system which effectively cannot represent the public and will not ever represent the will only pretend to represent the public so as to secure a requisite number of votes at election time.

That is what's happening out there.

We have to completely dismantle all the existing political parties, do away with them forever, and adopt a much more representative system that cannot be controlled by major financial players.

There are ways it could be done. I could PM you about a book that explains one way it can be done.

The forces that would wish to prevent that from occuring, however, are huge! And that is the primary problem in a nutshell. They want to maintain the status quo, because they derive their power and privileged position from maintaining it.