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Thread #65310   Message #1266434
Posted By: Pogo
07-Sep-04 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: LOTR ROTK - Just seen it. Brilliant!
Subject: RE: BS: LOTR ROTK - Just seen it. Brilliant!
I agree, really hit it home for me in the book, it made Frodo and Sam's struggle and suffering all the more poignant.

well I had some small far as books-to-movies goes I'll always love the books. However I was pleased beyond measure to see one of my favorite books come to life on the big screen. I believe the first movie was the one that was most elegantly done...this last one felt a bit rushed, put together hurriedly kind of thing but that may have also been due to all the cutting of scenes and so forth. Still I enjoyed it and I'll definitely be getting the extended DVD. The scenes that really hit me were Faramir's suicide charge (although interspersing Denethor's sloppy eating habits was a bit of overkill for me IMO), the beacon lighting of course and the Rohirrim just slamming into the enemy.

and was the emergence of the Witch King in the second or third movie? I can't remember it all just sort of blurs together :)anyways I thought the special effects for that scene was outstanding as well