The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71440   Message #1266539
Posted By: Dewey
08-Sep-04 - 01:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Puffs in the church.
Subject: RE: BS: Puffs in the church.
John Peekstok,

I don't recall singling out homosexuals in particular, as the only sinners, and I ask anyone now that can find evidence of this to point it out herein.

The post was whether or not there was biblical advocation for Homosexual Leadership in Church, This answer is no. It would also pertain to others sin issues as well, but mentioning them here would not make one un-hypocritical, it would just signify a stray from the topic at hand.

I would, however, agree with your point that hypocritical leadership positions have occured in other manifestations of sins, adultry as you say, acoholism etc, and yes the focus on these is not as great as the homosexual focus.

Still just because there are other sins, doesn't signified advocating more. St Paul was clear on the need for Spotlessness in the LEADERSHIP, In the Epistle's he is quoted as saying, "A Bishop Must Be Blameless"

How you get the nerve, from all of this, to say that I am a hypocrite for not mentioning the other sins is beyond me.

I am NOT a Church Leader, but I do understand the Church Doctrine as it was written, and along with the mulitudes of other sins, Paul confronted this was a prevailant one in the early church that he addres and gave the final say to. (I am sorry if it offends you to hear the truth on his take on the issue)

I have Homosexual acquaintances (and, yes they are just that acquaintances), I also have Alcoholic Friends, and well as friends that are quite loose in the areas of extra-martial affairs.

Sure, I am NOT perfect myself, and probably have similar if not equal sins. I also know that if a person does any of these things (or the above) in a leadership position, he is a stubblingblock to the cause of christ. He would be welcome in the church ANYTIME, just not in a leadership position.

Of Course, you are perfectly right: I am not I'm wild about homosexuality, but that would also go for other issues like alcoholism, adultry etc.

I would taker a guess (and it is only a guess) that since you have called me a hypocrite, you most likely feel that homosexuality should be tolerated in church.

If you wish to start you own church, based on this, go ahead as you please.

Putting words, in my mouth all calling me a Hypocrite for pointing out the Pauline Letters of emphasis is unfortunate.

I am NOT in a ministerial position nor desire one, and yes I have sins too, foul language at times in the past, lusting in my heart etc.

I also know that when I did these things, I was not in a LEADERSHIP POSITION, And, had I been, any one these sins (homosexuality included) would and should be wrong biblically (i.e. not tolerated by the church leadership)

The tragedy in todays churches in NOT homosexual avocacy exculsively but the advocacy of most sin in General, Church leadership is MUCH more sinful than it was say 40 years ago. Nowadays any hypocrite in high ranking can preach despite his moral conduct (in any area) Unfortunately this doesn't make the church any healthier in its sanctity.

But then again, I am TOO old Fashioned for this group,

Dewey (the sinner)