The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73147   Message #1266723
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
08-Sep-04 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why George Bush? Why John Kerry?
Subject: RE: BS: Why George Bush? Why John Kerry?
I am supporting Bush because the I believe the most important job of the government is the security of the people.    All the other issues are important, but if you don't have security, they don't matter.   (On 9/12/01 no one in NYC was debating whether we should be drilling for oil in Anwar)

I don't care what Kerry's current postion on terrorism is.    I believe he is weak and will succumb to special interest groups and not fight an agressive war on terror.   I believe this puts my family, friends, and co citizens of the world in peril.   After the incidents in Russis this past week, I don't know how anyone could not recognize the threat of terrorism.   I believe with Kerry as president that incidents like this would be commonplace in the USA.

I think Bush spends too much money on entitlements, but Kerry would spend more.

Bush supports school vouchers and testing standards.   Kerry is for and against that.

Bush wants to privatize social security.   I would opt out of social security which pays me a 1% rate of return in a heart beat.   Kerry is for and against that.

As governor Bush was one of the leaders in bringing renewable energy (wind) into Texas making texas the 2nd or third largest wind state in the country. Bush uses a geothermal system to heat and cool his ranch.   Kerry (or his family) drive SUV's.   So explain to me why Kerry is so good on the environment.

Right or wrong you know where Bush stands.   After a year of campaigning and countless debates, Kerry is still trying to define himself.

People in Israel support Bush something like 55%-17% and that war before the republican convention.   Israel is an important issue to me.   I think the people of Israel know best who is good for them.

Hollywood, Michael Moore, Barbara Steisand, Al Franken, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Alex Baldwin, and Hillary Clinton support Kerry.   Rudy Guiliani, Ed Koch, Zel Miller, John McCain, Tommy Franks, and Ron Silver support Bush.

Bush will lower taxes.   Kerry will raise them.   My wife and I are in the top 10% of wage earners in the USA.   That means that we earn 46.0% of the wages in the USA, but pay 67.3% of the taxes.   So much for tax loopholes for the rich.   Kerry would have us pay more.   Right now the bottom 50% of the USA only pay 3.9% of taxes. (number from IRS web site)   This does not include state income tax, city income tax, sales tax, and all the other taxes.   I think I pay too much and we know that 25%-50% of taxes are wasted by the govt.

I believe that Bush has faith.   I do not think Kerry has faith.

I think Kerry is an isolated billionaire who is way out of touch with the the American people.

Laura Bush vs Teresa.   no contest.

Kerry says he will fix the deficit- but the first thing I think of is the "Big Dig" in Boston.   How is he going to manage the country when he can't manage the state.   Is there a bigger boondoggle in history?

So far it looks like about 5 votes for Kerry, 2 votes for Bush, and about 30 votes for anyone but Bush.   A landslide for none of the above.