The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162   Message #1267137
Posted By: GUEST,Guest, Fred
08-Sep-04 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Senor Don Gato
Subject: RE: Origins: Senor Don Gato
I stumbled onto this thread when searching for recordings of Don Gato, and I found one no-one has mentioned so far: It's on a childrens CD called 'The Bottle Let Me Down' by various artists. The artist that performs Don Gato is Kelly Hogan, and from the little blurb you get on Amazon it sounds like a really good version! Worth buying the rest of the CD for...It was recorded June 18, 2002 by
Bloodshot Records, ASIN: B000066JE8.

Any other Gato fans heard this recording? Is it as good as it sounds?