The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14565   Message #126758
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Oct-99 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: British goodies on line
Subject: RE: BS: British goodies on line
Harvest mice, Bert? And, which crops do they *harvest*; mostly grains, I'll bet! Do the dormice wear little valet outfits and work only at the best hotels, or are they obsolete because everyone opens their own nowadays? Or, maybe they created a perceived extinction....just to get into a breeding program!LOL

Remember that old Kliban cat(the black & white cartoon cat with red tennis shoes and slouchy socks) song? I had it on a teatowel:

Love to eat them mousies
Mousies what I love to eat
Bite they little heads off
Nibble on they tiny feet
