The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73157   Message #1267775
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
09-Sep-04 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: One Thousand Gone
Subject: RE: BS: One Thousand Gone
Cost of Sadamm murdering innocents:                200,000 lives+
Cost of heat wave in France:                        15,000 lives
Cost of 9/11                                        3,000 lives
Cost of liberating 50 million people                1,000 lives +
Cost of mudcatter agnony after Bush re-election-    Priceless

A few comments on the "facts" presented above:

No weapons of mass destruction- we found saran gas, mustard gas, long range missles, hidden laboratories, plans for making WMD's, and even some anthrax.   I guess none of that counts.

No ties between Sadamm and Al Queda- the number three man in Al Queda has his leg amputated in Sadamm's hospital and then was given haven in Iraq.   Several meetings documented between Sadamm and Al Queda- mostly an on again/off again relationship-kind of like a Kerry postion on anything.   ABSOLUTE connection between Sadamm and Hamas, Hezboleh and islamic Jihad- the terrorist "B" team.

0 captures of Ossama- but one capture of Sadamm and Uday and Ebay are dead ay.   (sorry- I couldn't resist)   And about 75% of al queday have been captured or killed.   And 43 of the 52 most wanted in Iraq have been captured or killed.   

0 free election in Iraq- it took 8 years in Germany to have a free election.   Iraq will be 7 years quicker.   Their government is already recognized by the UN.   How many free election in Bosnia since Milosivech was removed?   And that was how many year ago?


0 attacks on US soil since Bush took preemmptive action

1 former terrorist nation reformed (Lybia) without firing a shot

2 nations (France and Russia) exposed in the oil for food scandal

3 leaders (Putin/Musharif/Momar) have "seen the light" about terrorism

4. more years of Bush