The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39309   Message #1268268
Posted By: GUEST,tony
10-Sep-04 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Subject: RE: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
OK. I have 2 favorites now.

My first love is my Collings D2H. Those who don't agree with me about the way she sounds - are only jealous cause they don't have one. It doesn't matter how hard or soft I play, she will always play the song sweeter than I can sing it. It has real presence.

Now my #2 choice is sure to generate comments. I recently bought a CA Legacy AE - beautiful Tobacco Sunburst finish. Well balanced voice and very clean. Don't make mistakes - she'll tell on you. She sounds better than 90% of the guitars I've heard through the years. She can't shout as loud as the Collings on her own. But she is equipped with Fishman electronics - so when it's needed I can give her a bigger voice. The electronics do a faithful job of keeping the acoustic guitar sounding like and acoustic guitar.