The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73196   Message #1268299
Posted By: KT
10-Sep-04 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magical Musical Moments
Subject: RE: BS: Magical Musical Moments
Another magical musical moment.....

Years ago I worked at a camp whose purpose was to bring kids together from different economic and racial backrounds. I had been aware all week, and concerned, about one boy, around eleven years old, whose limited English and different ethnicity was isolating him from the other kids. Of course he joined in as best he could, on all organized activities, but spent his free time alone, watching as the other kids played. They just weren't interested in him.

One day we were on an outing at the beach, and while the other kids, around fifty of them, were engaged in a game of tag, this child, who'd been sitting nearby watching, came to me and asked if he could "see" my guitar. I said, "Of course," and handed it to him, expecting to hear a few plunks and twangs. I sat in stunned silence as he played flawlessly, a classical piece, and sang a beautiful song in his native tongue. No more than eight measures in, the game of tag abruptly ended, with the players, awestruck, surrounding my little friend. As he played, the other kids' faces were shining with admiration, as the adults' faces glistened with tears. I don't think he spent another moment in that camp by himself. The power of music..........