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Thread #73234   Message #1268317
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
10-Sep-04 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: New Shakespeare resource hits web
Subject: New Shakespeare resource hits web
Attention all Shakespeare addicts: go here for your next fix. If the link doesn't work first time, it may just be that the site is a bit overloaded in its first few days on air.

This facility has been put on the net by the British Library, and includes the full texts of many plays, as published in the earliest "quarto" editions held by the library. For some plays there is more than one quarto version (93 editions in total, covering 21 plays). The site allows side-by-side comparison of different editions - or even different copies of the same edition, which can themselves include textual divergences.

For those of us who don't have broadband, it's a bit slow, because it's all done in photostat (JPEGs). And for this reason the text is not searchable. It's a cracking site, all the same, with useful analysis and other supporting material.

(Full, searchable editions of the whole cannon exist elsewhere on the internet of course, notably at The Works of The Bard and the MIT Shakespeare. Both these sites appear to have been abandoned, but still do the business.)