The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73154   Message #1268588
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
10-Sep-04 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Poll: Bush 'Bounce' Overblown
Subject: RE: BS: New Poll: Bush 'Bounce' Overblown
The only poll that matters is Nov 2.   The convention gave Bush a momentum boost- that is undeniable from every pollster.   Debating how much is a rediculous discussion because it will change before the thread is finished.

A word about polls.   Zogby published the demographics of the polls and I was stunned.    Time and Newsweek use a mix (approximate) of 38% republican, 33% democrat, and 29% independant.   Zogby used a mix of 38% democrat, 33% republican, and 29% independant.   The LA Times uses a mix of 40% democrat, 25% republican, and 35% independant.

NO wonder the polls are so different.   You get the results you want by determing which people you ask. What Bullshit.   The NY Times is famous for this- (see Dick Morris Book Off With their Heads-first chapter)

After reading the demographics published by Zogby, I was disgusted.   Therefore, debating how much bounce Bush got in the polls is less interesting than Survivor.   Conduct your own poll. Ask 9 of your friends who support your candiate and one who doesn't.   Chances are you will get the result you like.