The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73222   Message #1268909
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Sep-04 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is there a god or not?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there a god or not?
What if someone could see faerys, Bill? What then? What if they could see the faerys while someone else could not? Would this prove...

1. That one of the people was hallucinating?


2. That one of the people had heightened abilities when it came to seeing a certain spectrum of reality?

Your initial prejudices, plus your trust and confidence in the person witnessing the faerys would determine your opinion on that...assuming you were able to form a firm opinion on it. I have met the occasional person who was able to see faerys and various other nature spirits, and I have read some good books on the subject. You don't see them with the physical eye, you see them with what is called in Asia "the Third Eye". It's an energy center in the general position of your pituitary gland. When it "opens" fully, meaning when it is fully activated, you can see spectrums of reality that are not normally visible to the physical eyes...and there are numerous such spectrums of reality. This isn't a miracle or a supernatural occurence, it's just a heightened level of conscious awareness and perception.

I've know about this stuff for so long now that I just shrug when people tell me it's impossible. It's impossible for them all far. That could change at any time.

Are delusions natural? I don't know the answer to that...but they do exist! :-)

Here's a common delusion: "My political party is the good one, and can be trusted to save our nation. The other political party is the bad one and will lead us to hell in a handbasket."

Here are some more: "My religion is the best religion. It is the only true religion. God will punish all those who do not join my religion."

And yet another: "If I could just become rich/famous, my problems would be solved."

And another: "My happiness depends on pleasing other people and doing what they want."

And: "If my nose was smaller and my breasts were larger I would be happy and fullfilled and find Mr Right."

And: "If I had a 12-inch dong I would be happy and have a great sex life!"

Man, there have gotta be thousands of those stupid self-defeating illusions out there...mostly driven by propaganda and insecurity of one kind or another.

Those illusions do tremendous harm to people and society. Seeing faerys does no harm to anybody.