The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73186   Message #1268978
Posted By: Peace
10-Sep-04 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Poll: Kerry Wins Electoral College
Subject: RE: BS: New Poll: Kerry Wins Electoral College

I think it might have something to do with the Golden Rule. S/he who has the gold makes the rules. We have stories that are given spin. The rich and powerful control the mass media, and they pander to their rich and powerful friends. It has ever been thus. It's just that it's gettin' thuser much more, recently. It's past the point of media giving us the news and leaving it at that. Now we are given TRUTH instead.

I haven't watched a TV in years. Every now and then I see a news broadcast. I am reminded of a line from a Tom Clancy book (can't remember which one and I'll have to paraphrase the line): "You'd never see Edward R Murrow wearing mnakeup." That was a reference to the 'types' that present the news today. Talkin' heads with great hairdos and designer clothes. And now, we pause for a commercial break.

What the hell kinda news agency caters to Washington? What the hell kinda newspaper allows itself to be censored?

I wonder what ever happened to the Woodwards and Bernsteins of the news profession? And why is it that when I say the word 'profession' as it is connected to media do I feel compelled to block thoughts of the oldest profession? And why do I feel that there is something more honourable about the girl or guy who panders to the physical lusts of strangers on the street compared to the 'news professionals' who seem to pander to the whims of powerful people in a House near the Potomac?