The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2850   Message #12692
Posted By: Shula
20-Sep-97 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: Please Help, Max.
Subject: RE: Please Help, Max.
Hey, Max:

Wouldja puh-leeeeease he'p this gal git inter the Chat room 'n' give 'er th' dang key t' th' crapper? She been a'messin' with th' Guys Song Circle up in thet ol' rickety tree-house a'yonder, 'n' effn' she don't let them ol' varmints be, they's a-like t' scurry on down 'n' raid th' vittles in th' gals kitchen! ('N' jes' when we had em' up a tree whar's we could keep us a eye on'em an load up thar britches with birdshot effn they got too frisky!)

Thank'ee fer th' kine'niss,
