The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73196   Message #1269217
Posted By: Deckman
11-Sep-04 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magical Musical Moments
Subject: RE: BS: Magical Musical Moments
You are right ... this is being quite a pleasant thread.

Years ago I was teaching beginning guitar classes at the local college. My students were of all ages, youngsters to oldsters, several family members together. As students progressed, I encouraged them to come to the front of the class and "perform." For many, this was very frightening.

One week, this eleven year old girl whispered to me before class that she'd like to "perform." (her parents sat in the back of the room). Close to the end of the class, I invited her down front. When she turned and looked up at the 30 some students staring down at her, she froze. She started to take her seat again, but I whispered to her, "why don't you turn your back to the 'audience', and just sing to me. We'll pretend that no one else is here."

She started singing, and playing guitar, a song she had written. She was very scared and nervous, but grew stronger as she continued.

When she finished, the room was absolutly silent. The everyone applauded. That was one of many magical musical moments I remember. Bob