The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1269266
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
11-Sep-04 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Arrest him, and press charges... ;^)... Executive privilege will no longer apply, the media will take a step back and scrutinize him more freely, and the military will be answering to someone else.

Aw, George... Just funnin' ya...

No really... Befriend the rest of the world... We as Americans will become heros all over the world for getting Bush out of office. By doing this simple act, We will encounter a massive resurgence of worldwide trust and respect... and take the first step towards ending this hideous cycle of violence... for to lay Al Quida to rest.

---------"people who are so driven by fear and hatred for Bush"----------
-Oh my. Statements like this are perfect examples of closed minded thinking. Bush is not King. He is an ellected ( well, almost... ) official in a Democracy, and it is his job to listen to the American public... not to be manipulated by forces that cast and impune a negatively charged cloud of greed and suffering.