The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1269368
Posted By: Ebbie
11-Sep-04 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
"What I would LIKE to see is a gradual return to a footing of negotiation, PR and economic relations, rather than a basis of immediate violence." Amos

What Amos said. Ebbie

"Just as , after 911, Bush had reports of Saddam having WMD, and planning to attack." bb

There is something seriously wrong in a country's intelligence when they get it that wrong. But please keep in mind that Bush, et al, for reasons of their own CHOSE to believe and go with the scnario that would have the most serious consequence. LONG before he acted, he knew there were SERIOUS doubts about the situation. Ebbie

"So I believe the emphasis and focus this election year is in the WRONG place. We should be focusing on grassroots movements to unseat Republicans at the local, state, and national level." Guest

What do you think we are doing? Ebbie

Actually, I don't agree with TTR that if we do not elect Bush we as a nation will be heroes in the world- but I do think if we do NOT
unselect him, we will have exposed ourselves to the charge that we are in his pocket. Ebbie