The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1269386
Posted By: Joe Offer
11-Sep-04 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
If Kerry wins, which I hope he does, I predict a rather dull presidency. I don't think he'll have the scandals (or the vigor) of the Clinton Administration. The conservatives have tried to pin a "liberal" label on Kerry, but he really doesn't seem to have strong ties to a political agenda like Bush has. I expect he'll handle problems in a fairly balanced manner. Being a rather colorless leader, I'm afraid Kerry may have trouble getting passage of legislation that moves us forward. I'd like to see universal health coverage, but I don't think Kerry is dynamic enough to bring it about.

Somebody above said that it isn't the President who enacts legislation. That's true, but I think it takes a dynamic President to bring together a coalition that can enact legislation that is truly innovative. I'm not sure innovation is our most pressing need now. We need to settle things in Iraq with some amount of grace and generosity, and we need to patch up our relationships with other countries and get rid of the vigilante cowboy image Bush has built for us. Internally, we need to go back to supporting environmental concerns, balance spending and taxation so we stop inflating the national debt, and put more emphasis on serving the needs of people instead of corporations.

So, I think it's time to fire the Cowboy in Chief and send him back to Texas. Maybe some quiet in Washington will do us good.

-Joe Offer-