The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1269402
Posted By: Ron Davies
11-Sep-04 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?

Nobody that I know of disputes the idea that the Iraq war may have been necessary at some point. Our only disagreement is timing, as I've said many times before, if you'd bother to read instead of shooting from the lip constantly.

"W"s daddy assembled a real coalition before going to war. "W" set a wretched precedent for the world with his unilateral pre-emptive war against Iraq. Don't give me your garbage about the UK supporting him. It should be obvious even to you that is not so. If the Tories didn't have such a pathetic candidate, Blair might well be out on his ear.

I suppose you think it will be great if India or Pakistan, North or South Korea follow 'W"s lead? You may have read the recent statement by the Russian general saying they will attack pre-emptively "anywhere in the world" if they think it justified. When asked for reason, guess who they will cite. That's where "W," with his drunken cowboy school of foreign policy, is taking us.
Hope you like it.