The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1269442
Posted By: GUEST
11-Sep-04 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
I am not being simplistic at all. I am merely pointing out that no change will come at the top. Change will only come when citizen activists make change at the grassroots level, by electing new people to the US Congress.

We are in the throes of a constitutional crisis related to the Separation of Powers that started under Nixon's imperial presidency. Since that time, the system of Checks and Balances has gone out of whack. The executive branch has amassed way too much power and influence (largely thanks to the overthrow of the constitution by big money interests), and the legislative branch has surrendered way too much power to the executive branch.

The only thing that will bring the US political system back into balance is for citizen activists to organize and run themselves (and each other) for Congress. Only when that happens will the balance of power be restored to the legislative branch.

Right now, the focus should be on Congressional races, not the presidential race. It is our only hope of salvaging the democratic institutions in the US. We are already on the verge of living in a military dictatorship. John Kerry voted in favor of every measure the Bush administration put forward to amass extrajudicial powers, and he voted to support an invasion of a sovereign nation that posed no threat to US or any other nation's security, in violation of international treaties and laws.

John Kerry is not the man for the job. This will become eerily clear to all of you planning to vote for him soon enough.

The US presidency is a lost cause for the US. Our only hope is to take back Congress.