The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14579   Message #126946
Posted By: Little Neophyte
22-Oct-99 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: I am humbled
Subject: RE: I am humbled
Hi Steve
Regarding: List of Things That Attracts Me To A Man

First of all, my list of what attracted me to a man has recently changed because it was a pathetic list. I was drawn to men who confirmed my worthlessness, or men who needed me (at least I thought they needed me). I was also drawn to men I thought I could help blossom or I was drawn to men who looked like my Dad.
Well, I seem to now realize the old attraction list has gotten me nowhere except in the current situation I am now which is 'done that, been there'. I started creating healthier attraction lists, but then I decided to give up on the grocery listing all together. I now just work on myself. I try to be the best person I can which to me is composed of all the qualities like being kind, considerate, loving, open, honest, patient, compassionate..... things like that. Instead of looking out there for who is best for me, I work on being my best. I don't really look for men anymore. I gave up looking. Well, actually, I ask God VERY seriously for one favor, "please help me stop constanty looking for a man". I asked for months and months. One day I woke up and my preoccupation with men was gone. The constant thinking about dating was gone and the wanting someone to notice me was gone too. I felt like a free woman. Now I just enjoy my day, being the best person I can and I have assigned 'Chicken Little' with a very important job. One day when I least expect it, when I am not looking, the right partner for me will drop out of the clear blue sky.

Little Neo