The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73157   Message #1269465
Posted By: beardedbruce
11-Sep-04 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: One Thousand Gone
Subject: RE: BS: One Thousand Gone
Safer does not mean safe.

Why did the US go to war against Germany in WWII? They did not attack us, Japan did. By the logic here, we should not have been in Europe, at all.

Oh, you say that Germany declared war on us? Well, guess what: The attack on Kuwait was a declaration of war- and as I stated in previous threads, there was no end to that war- see the reference to no-fly zones above- Armed flights over another country, shooting down their aircraft, and bombing any anti-air sites that lock up are not exactly peaceful.

Even Kerry ( at one point, before he flipped/flopped) agreed that with what was known AT THE TIME, we should have attacked Iraq. If we had done so 6 months earlier, can anyone here say that we would be worse off?

People here keep saying to look at the money trail for all the attack ads- but never look at the money trail for the violators of the UN sanctiona against Iraq. See who was making mony off Saddam- then tell me we should have waited until the French agreed to an attack.