The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1269533
Posted By: Nerd
11-Sep-04 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
See, this is why you annoy a lot of us, GUEST. In your opening post, you say

"I'm really curious to hear what people...think will resolved or fixed by John Kerry."

But you're not curious. You don't give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks unless they agree with you. You ignore every single thing we point out. You ignored all of my points about the way the government operates with a dismissive "I'm not being simplistic at all."

But you are being simplistic. You're pretending that our government operates as a civics textbook. It doesn't.

I described how the president applies pressure to get policies enacted by congress. You ignored it. I mentioned several things Kerry will do better than Bush. You ignored that too.

Anything we say, you answer "Kerry's not the answer. Something else is the answer."

That's fine. We still have to vote for somebody for president. I'm voting for Kerry.

You also made a very interesting logical error showing that your thinking is extremely muddled.

(1) You pointed out that since Nixon's administration, the legislature has lost power while the executive has gained power.   The exact quote:
"The executive branch has amassed way too much power and influence (largely thanks to the overthrow of the constitution by big money interests), and the legislative branch has surrendered way too much power to the executive branch."

(2) Yet both before and after this statement, you say that the President is powerless to enact real change, which only comes from Congress.

You use both of these mutually exclusive propositions to argue for the same conclusion: we should ignore the presidential race because our only hope is to elect better people to Congress.

But if Congress is now drained of its power, how exactly will that help?

Here's my proposition: wouldn't it be better to elect as President someone more progressive than Bush, who respects Congress, being a member of it, while AT THE SAME TIME working to elect progressive members to Congress?

Could you handle that "both...and" proposition in place of your "either...or" proposition, GUEST?

Or will you jerk your knee yet again, crying "Kerry's not the answer!"