The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14571   Message #126957
Posted By: Big Mick
22-Oct-99 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #16
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
The door flies open and the biggest Mick in the village comes striding across the floor carrying several plates of Mushrooms marinated in red wine, honey and herbs balanced precariously on a pot of Carrot-Cilantro soup.............Allright yiz bunch of layabouts, throw a piece of plywood over the pool table and cover it with a cloth. You may have moved out of the Oyster bar, but ole Mick has brought over some happy hour vittles.........what Rick?'s Carrot-Cilantro Soup?......huh?.....bite me, dammit. Some of youse don't want to eat it if it doesn't come out of a can.......Dive in, folks.......damn it Clete, I didn't mean that literally.......friggin varmints, I am going to come up with a couple of 'possum recipes..........Go ahead and enjoy while I go in the kitchen and sautee up these Prawns and make the Garlic-Basil Cream..........and if you are all nice folks I will haul the Tart Lemon Custard out of the refrigerator this afternoon.............Hey, git those damn animals out of that corner.....I intend to set a table up over there and cook an intimate meal for THE FAIR ONE a little later.......By Jove, good cooking and love songs ought to do the trick.......Shut up 'Spaw.......