The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73265   Message #1269610
Posted By: Ebbie
11-Sep-04 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Verbal Violence; Verbal Aikido
Subject: RE: BS: Verbal Violence; Verbal Aikido
Surely there is a difference between being "flamed" and having someone disagree vehemently with one's view? Being told off when I have gone too far or have made a flippant or insensitive statement goes with the territory.

People here have disagreed with me but that is only normal and to be expected. I have been wrong a time or two in my life and chances are I will be wrong at least one more time before I die. ;~) There may be times when I change my opinion due to someone's stating why I am wrong. And there may be times when someone disagrees with me that I remain convinced that I am right. I have never equated disagreement with being flamed.