Thanks Davey, Cara, Margo, Bert & Peter. Peter I tried that thing with Rog, but it really blew up! Bert, now I remember you singing that on the radio. Made me laugh so hard my sides ached. Now I am smiling...thanks, friend.Cara & LilNeo: I guess by now everyone knows, I've always been totally open and willing to put myself out there. I think it was 1) because i was the youngest of five and so had to speak up or get lost in the shuffle, 2) I have two sisters out of three who are, at times, still painfully shy and were always asking/making me do their "upfront" work, i.e. phone calls, doorbell ringing, first on the dance floor, etc. 3) for some reason I was raised to have an abundance of self-confidence, not just in looks, but within, in my Spirit; lot of praise from my parents, but also an innate sense of my own self-worth.
That said, LilNeo, you have the right way of doing it, by concentrating and loving yourself. When we love ourselves, other will follow.:-) Also you used a very important word: vulnerable. You know, because we've talked, but being so open does carry a price, if you aren't careful. It makes you more vulnerable to hurt, disappointment, and grief; but, if you are of a passionate nature, I think it is the only way you can live life fully and honestly.
Of course, I am saying this from the comfort of a twenty year relationship (although it doesn't feel like one right now!). I'd probably be a lot more wary now than I used to be. In general though, I've found men appreciate a woman who is honest with them. I used to go out alone and some guy would offer to buy me a drink. I was always very blunt, telling them I wouldn't f*** them later, if that was what they were expecting, but that I would be happy to spend an evening dancing etc. with them, as long as they understood that. I never had a bad reaction to that blunt honesty and it took away all of the gut-wrenching games that kept everyone wondering if the other party was attracted or "THE one", etc.
Anyhow, my 2 cents worth, or a bit more. Thanks for listening to me, today. gawds and gawddesses bless the Mudders!