The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1269912
Posted By: Ron Davies
12-Sep-04 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
So, courageous "Guest" (Ghost)---you think it's just fine for the house to burn down. Too bad about the people inside.   You and Lenin--to make an omlet you have to break some eggs, right?   (pick your metaphor). The country ( and by extension the world) hasn't suffered long enough to be worthy of your wisdom. Do us a favor and go back to your Civics 101 text.

Obviously, as Neustadt said, the president's main power is the power to persuade. Some do it better than others. Clinton was superb. And neither you nor anybody else can predict what Kerry as president will do. As you in your infinite wisdom should know, what somebody says or doesn't say on the campaign trail is no indication of what they will do as president.

The only thing that is reasonably clear is that if Bush gets in again, we can expect more of the same. If that doesn't bother you that says all we need to know about you. And the only way to get him out is to vote for Kerry. I'm dreadfully sorry the country has not lived up to your standards.