The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1269961
Posted By: GUEST
12-Sep-04 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Prove it Amos. Oh wait, you can't. You are just making such ridiculous claims to assuage your guilty conscience for selling your soul out to vote for Kerry, like all the rest of the Kerry apologists around here.

Throw your principles and values out the window every four years, just so you can make a politically expedient, socially acceptable easy vote for the lesser of two evil candidates on "your side". You wouldn't want to trouble your conscience with the facts anymore than DougR does, right?

Vote for Kerry, because it's easy. Vote for Kerry, because you don't have to think to do it. Vote for Kerry, because you don't even need to find out where he stands on the issues, like perpetual war, like the Bush pre-emptive first strike doctrine, which Kerry also supports.

No, it's easy to cover your eyes and your ears and vote for Kerry. Just like it was easy for Germans to vote for Hitler.

Vote for the authoritarian candidates. They are what's for dinner in America.