The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1270031
Posted By: GUEST
12-Sep-04 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
No I'm NOT saying that a vote for Kerry is like voting for Hitler. I'm saying a vote for Kerry is a vote for Bush, and a vote for either, is like blindfolding yourself in the same way the Germans did when they voted for Hitler.

Let us not pretend here, Amos. People as reasonable, thoughtful, kind, blind and lazy as you voted for Hitler.

Or are you going to try and suggest that the minions who voted for Hitler were, in fact, just little Hitler clones?

I don't think so.

Kerry is an authoritarian wolf in nobless oblige, little lambie clothes.

The fact that you and the other Kerry apologists here refuse to accept Kerry's actual stated positions (like being pro-war, pro-NAFTA, pro-Patriot Act) despite your pathetic claims to the contrary, doesn't fool everyone. Just most everyone.

You all keep claiming that Kerry supports war just a little bit less than Bush. Supports NAFTA just a little bit less than Bush. Supports the Patriot Act just a little bit less than Bush.

In this sort of duplicitous, hypocritical mindset, you get to VOTE FOR THE LITTLE BIT LESSER EVIL. You tell yourselves VOTE FOR KERRY AND EVERYTHING WILL BE JUST FINE.

Not so.