The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1270050
Posted By: GUEST
12-Sep-04 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
I'm going to say the same thing here I said in another thread today:

Voting for Kerry is easy sleazy way to vote this year without any conscious thought, just like Republicans do.

Voting for Kerry is the easiest way to vote this year of all, isn't it? Easy as in "I, like DougR, don't even have to seriously look at the candidate choices, I can just do the easy thing and vote against Bush."

Choosing to vote for Nader or Cobb takes a bit more than that. An examination of ALL the candidates positions, but ESPECIALLY Kerry's. Why Kerry's in particular? Because Nader and Cobb voters would like to see Bush gone too. But we also understand that if there is precious little difference between Bush and Kerry on the biggest issues, like war, trade, human rights globally and civil rights in the US, the Patriot Act, etc, voting for Kerry would truly be throwing away our vote.

It is wrong to vote for Kerry just because that is the easy, convenient, politically expedient, more socially acceptable thing to do. And that is what the "Anybody But Bush" lesser of two evil Kerry voters are doing.

I've been here long enough to know which ones of you claimed to be SO opposed to the Iraq war before the Democratic primaries, and came out of the Democratic primaries as cheerleaders for Kerry's "stay the course" Iraq, Afghanistan, and war on terrorism policy.

I remember which ones of you Kerry supporters ranted and railed against the Patriot Act before the Democratic primaries, and now barely mention it or give it a second thought, because that would actually be inconsistent with your decision to take the easy way out this year (again) and vote for a candidate who is against everything you said you stood for less than a year ago.

I am fully aware of which ones of you are hypocrites, and will engage in the cyber-equivalent of tarring and feathering anyone who mentions your hypocrisy, and the inconvenient evidence the Mudcat archive has against you.

But Kerrymen, I refuse to remain silent about your phoniness and hypocrisy, or sugar coat it to make it easier for you to swallow. You are phonies and hypocrites. Not because I say so, but because YOU have said so, and we have the forum archive to prove it.