The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1270096
Posted By: GUEST,President Bush
12-Sep-04 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Or maybe I am really Hitler, and I'm just here at Mudcat campaigning for Bush.

Or maybe I'm Tom DeLay.

You know guys, these sorts of pathetic attempts to paint Nader and Cobb voters as nasty Republican because they aren't voting for your man, will eventually blow up in your faces, the same way that Kerry's attempt to paint himself as the quintessential American hero warrior blew up in his.

The problem is your lack internal consistency in your thinking, in order to justify (to yourselves) your decision to vote the most politically expedient way you can imagine.

Which just shows there is a deep disconnect in your personalities about who you say you are, and what you truly are based upon your actions.

The Kerry camp is full of rationalizers and justifiers who are casting their votes for the lesser of two evils, just like they always have.

If you had even an ounce of creative, positive imagination, if you truly had hope, if you truly believed in the best things in the world rather than railing against the worst of it, you wouldn't be able to cast a vote for a Republican or a Democrat for the remainder of your days on earth.

But that isn't you guys. You are cynical, jaded, worn down, and resigned to accept whatever shit the Democratic party heaps onto your plate.

Best of luck bickering over the flatware you will eat it with.