The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1270181
Posted By: GUEST
12-Sep-04 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
You know Nerd, your over the top hysterical claim that I accused you of voting for Hitler is just so bloody absurd. Just like the accusation that I told you to eat shit.

And the game you keep playing, trying to "prove" I twist peoples' words to suit my own agenda is as childish as claiming I'm raving. People aren't as stupid and gullible as you presume they are, Nerd.

Now, to answer your oh so clever questions (as if answering them will shut your donkey braying trap up, but we can all hope)to me:

"why not vote for Kerry AND support progressive candidates for congress and other offices?

Because Kerry doesn't support the progressive agenda that progressive candidates support. He is proposing an agenda that is frighteningly similar to Bush's agenda. As any progressive will tell you, I would be throwing my vote away by voting for Kerry, because a vote for Kerry is a vote for Bush's agenda.

"Why not mobilize for progressive causes AND vote for Kerry?"

Because that will aid the Democratic party, and play right into their strategy to defeat the progressive third party movement in this country. Why should I vote for a man who is leading the party that is actively working to destroy everything I believe in?