The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73268   Message #1270212
Posted By: GUEST
12-Sep-04 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
Subject: RE: BS: Defeat Bush and then what?
OK Nerd. You win. I'm wrong. Bye bye now.

But just so you know. Today is my birthday. For my birthday, I am giving myself a present. I've decided not to respond to you, ttr, et al any more. I know it won't stop you from stalking the political threads, looking for any opening to attack whatever I say. Because that is obviously the way you think you can best support Kerry, I guess. Though I'm really beginning to wonder if it isn't just that you enjoy being annoying. I'm glad I don't actually ever have to sit in a room with you, because if you take the politics out of the equation here, it's pretty hard to defend your obnoxious behavior towards me. Apparently, I at one time made you feel as if your penis was too small, or something, because your obsession with me is starting to look a lot like Big Mick's stalking of me.

But you go for it, dude. Whatever floats yer boat and rings yer chimes. But I'm not responding anymore, because I know the lower Kerry sinks in the polls and closer we get to the elections, the more desperate people like you get. I don't like holding conversations with scary people like you, so I'm just going to leave you be.