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Thread #73186   Message #1270443
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
12-Sep-04 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Poll: Kerry Wins Electoral College
Subject: RE: BS: New Poll: Kerry Wins Electoral College
Do you really feel safe after the information we are getting by Bob Graham and others on what went wrong during the events preceding 911? The Presidential Daily Briefing to Bush spelled it out and he ignored it. While reading "My Pet Goat", the FAA, CIA and FBI were not involved although the last two had dossiers on the highjackers. This is a good reason to assume that Kerry would be more competent because he isn't like Cheney and Bush who during 911 were out to save their own skins. He would have rallied the three important agencies immediately.
    Regarding the lobbing of missiles, Clinton was able to avert an attack on Los Angeles International Airport. He didn't get the Cole but he probably saved the American people more than given credit for. His foray into Afghanistan was thwarted by congress. (A Republican one).
