The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73265   Message #1270584
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Sep-04 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Verbal Violence; Verbal Aikido
Subject: RE: BS: Verbal Violence; Verbal Aikido
Foolestroupe! What a great story!!! LOL!

I feel I should include this brief excerpt from something I said once quite innocently about our mutual pal, Spaw (Catspaw49), as it is somewhat in the spirit of this thread:

"...except of course for Spaw. He is an incompetent, simple-minded, concupiscient wretch. He is vague, obtuse, vulgar, and lacks discrimination. His attempts at what he thinks of as ribald humor are akin to the noisy wallowings of a dyspeptic hog in a cesspool, guaranteed to offend while perhaps amusing in some small peripheral way. He is silly, repetitive, pompous, licentious and vain. He bores more effectively than an auger. To peruse his inane ramblings is an experience similar to copulating with a dead porcupine, in that one suffers freqent annoying pain while attaining absolutely no personal satisfaction whatsoever. To call this man "human" in fact would be to stretch the term considerably beyond its usual compass into hitherto unglimpsed realms of sheer blundering idiocy that would have caused even the Three Stooges to feel a shuddering twinge of envy. In short, the man is a fool, a prat, a know nothing. He is the blither in blather, the riff of raff, the null of void. He makes Neil Young sound lucid! And that is why he is universally despised. It has nothing to do with the nude windsurfing incident at the marina. Nothing whatsoever."

Now to be more serious for a moment here...

I have noticed that it's very difficult to talk people into abandoning a toxic emotion they're dragging around with them, such as anger against a particular individual, due to a past incident. Nope, they'd rather stay angry forever. They've gotten used to it and they like it. They'd rather believe that the other person is incapable of ever changing, and then prove it by never changing themselves! Ha! This is funny. Well, this is okay if you don't let it make you angry too, I suppose... :-)

I don't. If daylia is smart, she won't either...this time. Right, daylia?