The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73319   Message #1270659
Posted By: celticblues5
12-Sep-04 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jean Redpath's street song medley
Subject: Lyr Req: Jean Redpath's street song medley
I posted this as part of a note at the end of another thread, but apparently that thread had played out, as no one answered, so am putting it under perhaps a more appropriate heading to ask again.

Some years ago I heard Jean Redpath (maybe on PHC) sing a medley of traditional kids' street songs, starting with "Up Against the Wall, the London Ball," and ending with "I've a Laddie in Americay." In between was a little bit of a song that had to do with a child who was taking her dad some dinner - wonder if anyone knows the complete lyrics - all that I can remember are little bits -

"[name] stole me new topcoat, me new topcoat, me new topcoat, [name] stole me new topcoat, and [name] tore the linin'"

and "ah ha ha, ye needna run, ye needna run, ye needna run, ah ha ha, ye needna run, for ye'll get yer licks in the mornin'

and "My mother says that I must go with my father's dinner-o" and something about a "bawbee bake."

Possibly these are two different songs and I'm just merging them in my memory. Can anyone help with the lyrics to this (these)? Also, I was under the impression that a bawbee was a coin - ? Did I hear the word incorrectly in the Redpath song, or are they two different words or the same word with two different meanings or was my impression just wrong in the first place?

Thanks for your expertise!