The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73222   Message #1270745
Posted By: Pogo
13-Sep-04 - 12:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is there a god or not?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there a god or not?


Can I ask you please do not bring the Mormon Church (which is my religion) into this conversation or well any specific church or religious group for that matter?

Just for the record...we are advised not to drink beverages with caffiene not ordered to and we do not (well should not but I can't speak for everyone :) ) impose this healthstyle on anyone. Personally if someone was to drink a coke in my presence I certainly would not drop dead of shock or knock it out of their hand and tell them they were going to hell :) but I really cannot help it if someone feels uncomfortable drinking a coke in my presence.

And I suspect that since so many people out in Utah are in fact members of the Mormon Church it would not surprise me that a store owned by a Mormon would not sell alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee etc. but I imagine that is the personal choice of the storeowner not a law officially enforced or influenced by the church. Now I may or may not be wrong (since I don't live in Utah) However I hardly think it is difficult to find such beverages there if you look hard enough :) so there seems to be no real problem

Anyways...I'm done. Yawl can get back to figuring out if God exists or not. Good luck