The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71609   Message #1270900
Posted By: GUEST,freaked out
13-Sep-04 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Psychopaths in the Workplace
Subject: RE: BS: Psychopaths in the Workplace
This workplace is .. yes, crawling with spooks, nasty ones. Can't stand it. And they pick on people, harass them, or cosy up to them and then stab them in the back. These are the Army Reserve types, the divine right of the Right. May they choke on their artichokes, and be condemned to a life photocopying. Then again, they could get quick promotions to middle management.

eek. Is this Stalinist Russia or a western democracy in 2004? oops, democracy - government of the people by the media, for the few.