The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14571   Message #127101
Posted By: WyoWoman
23-Oct-99 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #16
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #16
Aw, Rick. "In My Life" is on your CD? Now I will go buy it this very second. (Where?) That song makes me melt.

McGrath, thanks for the Blue Clicky Song. I don't know the tune, but the words are simply swell.

It's been one o' those weeks, boyzngrrls. I'll have a splash o' Mr. Jameson's finest and a soft place to curl up for a few minutes while I gather myself back together.

What? Hmmm? Who is that over in the corner, offering a soft place to curl up .... I can't see you in this dim light....

And I think a Mudcat cookbook is simply a splendid idea. I'll help. It'll have to have *some* spice in it...
