The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73300   Message #1271483
Posted By: Tannywheeler
13-Sep-04 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: Obit: My Dad
Subject: RE: Obit: My Dad
Here's a necessary phrase for you: "Fairly well, considering."
This is your stock answer to all -- the uncaring polites, as well as the loving friends -- who ask how it's going. The true friends may ask "Considering what", and you can tell them if you're having a bad time, 'cause they'll be looking for a way to help you cope. Keep extra tissue. You'll be shocked at the minuteness of what can start the waterworks. You will have already steeled yourself to the big stuff. The only way out is through, but it really becomes a permanent part of your path. He has never not existed for you; physiologically you don't know a world without him. Ask your real friends (you seem to have many) to keep their care-antennae out towards you as you go through this, 'cause shock can rear its head at times in peculiar ways. Voice of experience.

Eat healthy, get some exercise. Accept help from a few of thoe friends to go through effects. Don't spend too much time alone during this. For your own protection.

God bless and comfort you (comfort from 2 Latin words indicating "with strength").