The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14647   Message #127165
Posted By: Rick Fielding
23-Oct-99 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: Origin: For the Good Times (Kristofferson)
Subject: RE: For the Good Times
Wow, I'd forgotten that song. Used to sing it a lot. One night at the Bond Place Hotel in Toronto, I got half way through it, and a woman jumped up with tears in her eyes and ran out of the room. Oops, I thought, but continued the song. One verse later, the man who had been sitting with her got up (also crying) and left as well! Didn't have a clue what to say (or sing) after that, so I went into another Kristofferson song for a was "Help Me Make It Through The Night"....bad choice! The two of them emerged almost simultaneously from the respective washrooms, took a quick listen, and vamoosed! (together, thank goodness)
Like Hank Williams, Kris could get the emotions in high gear.
