The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73325   Message #1271798
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
14-Sep-04 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: An open letter to Bush supporters
Subject: RE: BS: An open letter to Bush supporters
"If America left it to the rest of the World, the rest of the world would be speaking German" . The final sentence of Larry k.'s posting. All that was readable prior to that was a load of utter balderdash, and I risk the wrath of many a decent American when I say that the stuff presented is typical of the crap which is heaped upon the heads of the US public by neo-con propagandists , and which is unfortunately swallowed by those who are sadly susceptible. That is unfortunately something which cannot be changed; there will always be those who can be led by the nose. This final sentence, however, is a direct insult to all of us who were involved in the fight against Nazism. It should be pointed out to Larry k. and all who are similarly mentally challenged that millions were dead in both world wars before America at last took up arms. My father's two brothers were dead on the Green Fields of France YEARS before the first American unit set foot in Europe. And the second big fight began in 1939; not at the time of Pearl Harbour. Just for the record, Germany declared war on the USA --not the other way round. Don't get me wrong; we were damn' glad to welcome the Yanks into the fray---and the lads fought well. But Larry----you were LATE--and there's no denying that. Finally, it should be pointed out to all the red-white-and-blue flag-wavers--on both sides of the Atlantic--that the people who made the greatest sacrifice, and did MOST to smash the Nazis, were the Russians. Try looking at history ==real history, Larry---you will learn a lot if you can open your mind!