The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73356   Message #1272371
15-Sep-04 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: Why Is Martin Gibson Allowed Here?
Subject: RE: Why Is Martin Gibson Allowed Here?
Here's another anonymous post from one of we guttless GUESTs. I used to hang out in the fringes of the Mudcat forum, but I haven't been back in well over a year, mostly because I got sick of all the slams, snide remarks, and smug, egotistical opinions from GUESTs and MEMBERS alike. Although I may have expressed disagreement with some of the esteemed and revered Mudcat members, I was never anything but pleasant in my posts. But some of the posts in reply to my own often made me feel unwelcome. I'd be willing to bet money there are a great many potential members out there who have been made to feel the same by the likes of Martin Gibson, Ron Davies, and other Mudcat personalities best known for their snottiness. Like me, they are probably reluctant to come back. Ron, your post makes you out to be a prick, quite frankly, at least in my humble opinion. Nevertheless, who am I to judge? We all have opinions. The difference is, some of us are nice, amiable folks. You know, the sort who like the smell of other people's farts. Then there are those like Ron. Conceited and arrogant. I'll bet he loves the smell of his own farts. I haven't read any of Martin Gibson's purportedly inflammatory posts, so I can't rightfully comment. I do perceive that at least he (or she) must be a guitarist of good taste, or someone who appreciates quality instruments, judging from their clever use of the names of two of the best guitar makers in the business to form their Mudcat moniker. So MG can't be all bad, yeah? By the way, I am at my work PC and I'm not comfortable with registering for a Mudcat membership here. Maybe I'll come back when I'm on my system at home. Then I'll register with my identity. I have nothing to hide.

Cheers all,


P.S. That's a hint to my identity, by the way.