The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73412   Message #1272848
Posted By: Deckman
15-Sep-04 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: Shunning: a Cure for Trolls
Subject: BS: The martin gibson problem!
I have answer to the "martin gibson" problem. It has worked for me for the last six weeks. Because of the numerous e-mails I have received from mudcat friends around the world expressing great frustration in dealing with this person, I now offer my suggestion to you:


Let me explaing how it works:

Whenever I decide to open an interesting thread, I first read the list of posters to that thread. You probably do the same. If I read that "martin gibson" has posted to that thread, I do NOT open it, I do NOT READ it! Pretty simple, eh?

Let me predict the result of your action:

If you have found your blood pressure rising in the past by his postings, guess what, your blood pressure no longer rises!

Those few who enjoy rolling in the slime with him, will soon realize that they are rolling the slime ... all by themselves.

As I expect that martin gibson will be attacking me as soon as he sees this thread, I probably won't be posting any more to this thread. I mean, after all, I DO have standards.

I offer this very simple solution to a problem. Do it if you want. CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson ((I don't care WHAT my neighbors say ... I'm really a nice guy))