The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73412   Message #1273241
Posted By: The Shambles
16-Sep-04 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: Shunning: a Cure for Trolls
Subject: RE: Shunning: a Cure for Trolls
The structure you refer to IS in place. So why defend it as it is plainly NOT working? The nastiness is happening NOW.

Almost every thread I try and have a reasoned discussion in - there seems to be an excuse found to close or delete it. And the vicousness you refer to just continues and our volunteers also indulge in it and set the example to follow.

It is because our forum now is neither fish nor fowl. Sadly it is much nearer being foul - but there is little point in pretending that any of this imposed 'structure' or rather selective and reactive censorship and double standards - has had or can have any effect on reducing what you deplore as vicousness.

It is my opinion that all this judgement, imposition and hypocrisy is the biggest single contributor to all the vicousness. It is all so plainly laughable that some just cannot resist pulling the chains and post here (under many guises) just for that purpose. The only way to prevent the vicous monkeys in not to encourage them by feeding them or by supplying any reaction to them. If they are ignored - they will eventually go away - unlike our volunteers - who we seem to be stuck with.