The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73442   Message #1273733
Posted By: LadyJean
17-Sep-04 - 12:36 AM
Thread Name: When the Audience Misbehaves
Subject: RE: When the Audience Misbehaves
The Smokey City Folk Festival featured "workshops" which were really miniconcerts. A woman used to bring her children, named Rueben and Rachel. They would chase each other, screech, I remember Rueben trying to drown out the singers. Their mother would sit there, completely oblivious. A friend knew her from the LaLaiche league. She said they were like that all the time, and their mother didn't seem to notice. Some parents don't. I've also known people who were pleased that their children were loud and aggressive. Tact is required when dealing with such children and such parents.
I love to go to the Tamburitzans' outdoor show. The kids dance along, offstage, but they dance. Bully for them! I love dancing, and they aren't bothering anyone.