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Thread #73491   Message #1274666
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
17-Sep-04 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush and Quagmire
Subject: BS: Bush and Quagmire
Probably a better title would be obfuscation and Bush.

Having just watched the latest edition of NOW on PBS (admittedly edited)the interview with Richard Murphy was enlightening. A returned soldier who was riding "shotgun" for truckers for Halliburton---civilians. They are paid   $75,000 per year---he, a US soldier, $20,000. They leave when they want(and are rich enough)--he stays till released.

This is beginning to make Viet Nam look like a prelude to another slower simmering error of this administration---and one with more monetary overtones than the prior. That was fear and politics---this is dollars and oil.

We do not learn from history----go to a place that is a different culture that we do not understand and try to remake it in our image. Of course we cannot.

Frankly---LBJ's Tonkin story is minute compared to W's obfuscation that has gotten us into what is---though he loudly disclaims it---another Quagmire. One that is costing the lives of those that were supposed to defend the homeland and not be an invasion force. Oh---and help out in natural disasters like Hurricanes and such.

   What W has done (with the adequate help of Darth Vader---Cheney) is to create a war without Congressional approval under spurious conditions to, perhaps, avenge or surpass dear old dad---and protect the oil interests.   Either way innocents on both sides are dying for his arrogance and obfuscation. Wartime leader that needs to be re-elected. Sure---because of a war HE created. To steal a phrase---George you are no Roosevelt. Hell, you are not even a Truman--nor and Eisenhower---oh--the list goes on.

Bill Hahn