The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73499   Message #1275513
Posted By: catspaw49
19-Sep-04 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Subject: RE: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Always happy to bring this back to the top for you as many of us look forward to your super human ability to plumb new depths of waffle-twaffling. Sadly though, no more of it is needed here. The problem in answering your question is that it isn't the question at all. Once upon a time it perhaps was the question but through all the ramblings and after slaughtering several horses unmercifully beaten into gelatinous masses, there is no question left. You are now simply engaged with Joe in a No-Win power struggle and the rest of us are getting either bored to tears or a lot of laughs at your expense.

As to what your original question may have been......"What is wrong with re-opening the thread?".......Hell, I don't know. But then again, I'm not the one who has to answer you as I can't re-open the thread. At some point in the distant past, Joe gave an answer to that but I neither recall what it was nor do I have the passion and inclination you posess in such ponderous quantities to go back and find it. There have been a bezillion postings on this shit and I ain't bustin' my chops to find Joe's original answer.

It wouldn't matter a rat's ass anyway as you didn't like his answer then and I doubt if you would now. In any case, the real issue has become this: You say A, Joe says B. You say only Max can say B. Joe agrees with you about talking to Max and tells you to talk to Max. In the simplest of terms, that's it in a nutshell. My question is simple as well. If Max responds by saying B, will you drop this?

It should be wholly obvious to you that almost no one cares about this besides you. If there are a few that do, I would hope that they would have the sense to accept any answer Max might give as being definitive. For my part, should Max say A or B or "Fuck you Spaw," I will accept the answer.

So write to Max. Let us know how it comes out. No more waffle-twaffle is needed here.
