The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73499   Message #1275533
Posted By: Jeri
19-Sep-04 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Subject: RE: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
You asked the question in the Help forum and got an answer you didn't like. You then asked the same question here in the main forum as if it had never been asked. I ask myself why you would do such a thing.

You already received an answer from Joe, so you're not asking him. In fact, since he IS the authority, you're not even really asking. You're disingenuously trying to drum up support in your personal anti-Joe campaign, which includes complaining about every little thing you see him or any other admin type doing - and I mean LITTLE. It seems more like what a disgruntled control-freak wannabe-authority figure on a mission to 'get' anyone who has any authority does.

You've chosen some particularly insignificant molehills to turn into mountains, you've picked an adversary that doesn't want to fight, you've at least implied that people here are poor stupid sheep who are too afraid to speak for themselves and need some white knight to come to their rescue. In short, it's time to think about your real reasons for doing all this Joe-stalking stuff. It looks like nothing more than a rather one-sided pissing contest to me, Maybe you need the attention, but I can't even say for sure that's what I think your motive is because you've never ONCE stated what you want. In any case, what's actually happening is that you're alienating more and more fellow posters with each nit picked. People aren't as stupid as you'd like to believe.

On the other hand, perhaps you should just keep going. I'll admit I enjoy watching the occasional train wreck, and this 'descent into madness' thing is a whole lot more entertaining than most of the political threads. You might be a fairly decent guy in real life, but that isn't the message you're getting accross here, and it's you who've made 'the messenger' the issue. Clue: What IS 'the message'?

[aside to Spaw: I just thought of a new word to describe one of the Layabouts at Large community outreach activities: 'inactivism'.]