The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73526   Message #1275613
Posted By: fat B****rd
19-Sep-04 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: When it's your own........
Subject: When it's your own........
I count my blessings when I see or read about dreadful things happening in various parts of the world but my son, Luke, was badly punched, kicked and beaten by a "gang" in the early hours of Saturday moprning. Kicked in the head (by a girl) as he lay unconscious and bleeding. Hopefully prosecutions will be forthcomoing but after seeing him I wish the bastards dead. I don't give a fuck about abusive childhoods/problem homes etc. He's a placid and friendly 26 year old and was on a night out (rare) with some friends in Darlington (UK). Apparently there were 5 other incidents at the same "Nightclub". Don't say he should have known better. He's not been there before.
Sorry for the angst but as my thread name implies........